General and Structural Guidelines

General Guidelines

The following is provided to better acquaint you with the normal operating procedures of Ironwood Restoration, LLC.

1.  If deemed necessary, Ironwood Restoration will take pictures and gather appropriate dimensions prior to disassembly of any building components.

2.  If the purpose of disassembly is for repair of components (as opposed to replication), a labeling or numbering system will be utilized to provide proper placement during re-assembly.

3.  Where it is necessary to remove building components, Ironwood Restoration will utilize methods with the least amount of impact to the original components.

4.  It is the general policy of Ironwood Restoration to preserve original fabric when feasible.  However, if, for reasons of economy, longevity, or decay, it is necessary to replace certain building components, the replication will be exact (in design and profile) and will utilize the same wood species or a species better suited for the purpose.

5.  Where it is apparent that deterioration of the original building fabric is due to poor design, the new design will not alter the original design intent.

6.  Where trim is removed and cuts are necessary, cuts will be made, where feasible, so as to shed water.  Prior to reinstallation or joining new material, cuts will be primed and joints will be caulked.

7.  Typically, Eastern White Pine is utilized for exterior trim.  In such a case, Ironwood Restoration selects material with tight grain (quarter-sawn when available) and clear grade.  In the event that a particular size is not available in EWP, Sugar Pine is sometimes substituted.

8.  All new material is fully primed prior to installation.

Note:  Typically, Ironwood Restoration utilizes radial-sawn EWP or Eastern Spruce clapboards (traditional & superior to all others) for replacements.  However, it is our policy to match existing cut (radial, flat-sawn, re-sawn) and species as closely as possible so as to maintain the overall integrity of the exterior siding.  All clapboards are fully primed.


Structural Guidelines

1.  Traditional joinery is used wherever possible when replacing specific wooden members; original joinery is replicated where feasible.  If deemed beneficial to the structural integrity of the building, alternative joining methods may be utilized.

2.  Where traditional joining techniques are not feasible or sufficient, engineered connections, such as fabricated hangers or connecting plates, may be used.  Ironwood Restoration uses these techniques sparingly in hopes of maintaining the overall integrity of the structure.

3.  It is common that original structural timbers are sawn or hewn Eastern White Pine or Eastern Spruce.  Hardwoods were also used for complete frames, more commonly for structural bracing, joists, etc.  The preferred policy of Ironwood Restoration is to replace “in kind.”  However, we commonly utilize Douglas fir for large timber replacement due to its superior strength and low shrinkage ratio; Douglas fir also tends to match the structural qualities of the original timbers.

4.  Where it is deemed appropriate for aesthetic or historic purposes, Ironwood Restoration will match, as closely as possible, the original surface texture of the wooden member.  Typically, up and down sawn is matched with band-sawn timbers.

5.  Where it is deemed sufficient, where it is concerning matters of economy, or where it is essential to save as much of the original wooden components as possible, epoxy consolidants and structural fillers can be utilized. 

Note:  Ironwood Restoration generally matches fasteners as closely as possible.  Pegs are handmade or turned.  Nails are matched as closely to the original as is feasible. Handmade nails are saved and reused whenever possible.



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